Thursday, December 11, 2008

A rosary for one, but one for all

This little pretty thing is yet another of my 10 pieces.... It's technically a set, with a mens ring and 2 ladies rings together with this rosary. It's a contemporary twist on the 5 decade rosary... For those of us who aren't catholic... a decade is a set of 10 beads with a larger or spacer bead between them... this one has 5 sets of 10 corals beads with a silver chernier spacer bead adn is linked with wire head pins. the middle is a heart on a gallery connection the beads to the cross which is hand made. Sadly... I sold it to a very nice lady. Took a lot to part with it... The piece itself has been so popular that I am remaking it and making a set of rosaries for an exhibition that I'm planning with a photographer friend of mine.

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