Friday, June 22, 2012

Ditto | A Jewellery Exhibition

Ditto | A Jewellery Exhibition is an exhibition that was held at the Fringe Arts.  Curated by my awesome and lovely and stunning (the list goes on btw...) friend Chantal Louw.

Chantal says, “At times, without knowledge of each other, artists and designers work in remarkably similar ways. It could be the colours, the shapes or even the emotive aspect of the work that creates this link.”

 The Brief: "Eight jewellery designers were asked to create works linked to the art world either being inspired by a particular artist’s style or by collaborating with an artist."

 Participating were:

Caryn Fourie from A Bird Named Frank and Peter Mikael Campbell | Eon Hoon Jewellery Design and Black Heart Gang | Gillian Fuller and Colin Payne | Emma Atkinson from Milame Design and Lindi Sales | Metaxia Sterianos from Metaxia and Rebecca Jones | Megan McFall from Starbright Girl and Carla da Cruz | Marietjie Beeselaar from Skermunkil and Marli Lyon | Anna Raimondo from Smith Jewellery and Andrew Putter

 So without further ado... here's my piece I made, inspired by the Black Heart Gang.


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