Friday, December 11, 2009

let's get married....

Hello my little blog monkeys.... So I've gotten a bit of a suprise recently...
My best friend told me she is getting married...
I'm very very excited for her, love both her and her boyfriend to bits...
So my wedding gift to them is I am making the engagment ring and wedding rings for them... Something I would do for oldest and closest friend....

So this is the design process of her ring... She already has the stones, infact she might even be getting more... And now I am just playing around until we find the perfect combination.... It has to be traditional, with a bit of flair and ellegance.... Add to it that I am her best man (she's not having a maid of honour) and I feel this has so be very very special.... It only happens once in a lifetime, unless divorce is an option for you...

Let's hope it's not....


Anonymous said...

Its great that you would only make rings for ''oldest and closest friends'... but... wouldnt you also make them for people who actually pay you for them? Lol.

Anonymous said...

well seeing as you don't really read properly... In the context of the post I am making the ring for them for free, so I would only do that for my oldest and closest friends... so anyone that wants a ring made would obviously have to pay... I'm not running a charity you know...